Brand English name POER released the Great Wall Gun and opened the road to advanced globalization.

    International Online auto channel News: On September 26th, in the E3 Hall of Beijing Auto Show, Allen, the "funny actor with high face value", made a stunning appearance and opened a press conference on the "costume" of the Great Wall Gun. At this auto show, commercial Denso guns were officially listed, including 251,800 yuan for elite type and 266,800 yuan for pilot type. Pre-sale of passenger electric cannons was started, with an elite type of 279,800 yuan and a pilot type of 292,800 yuan. The modified models of the Great Wall Gun, black bullets, wild guns and brigade guns, appeared on the same stage, bringing the ultimate full-scene pickup truck life experience. At the same time, Great Wall Gun officially released the English brand name POER, which opened the road to globalization. In addition, the Great Wall Big Pickup Co-creation Plan was released, and the recruitment of "Big Pickup Co-creation Officer" was launched to create a big pickup truck in the eyes of users.

Auto channel [information] brand English name POER released the Great Wall cannon to open the advanced road of globalization

Auto channel [information] brand English name POER released the Great Wall cannon to open the advanced road of globalization

Auto channel [information] brand English name POER released the Great Wall cannon to open the advanced road of globalization

    "Install" environmental protection and energy-saving mass production of the longest cruising range electric pickup truck

    At this auto show, the Denso Gun, namely the Great Wall Gun EV, was pleasantly listed, leading the "clean" energy revolution in the pickup truck industry. This model is equipped with ternary lithium battery and the world’s first coaxial integrated electronic drive axle. The motor power is 150KW, the torque is 300N·m, and the cruising range can reach 405km. It is the longest electric pickup truck in China.

Auto channel [information] brand English name POER released the Great Wall cannon to open the advanced road of globalization

    In terms of intelligent technology, Denso Gun will support L4-level automatic assisted driving in fixed scenes, which can be used in smart airports, smart logistics, etc., bringing users a more environmentally friendly and intelligent pickup truck experience, and creating a new intelligent height for domestic pickup trucks.   

Auto channel [information] brand English name POER released the Great Wall cannon to open the advanced road of globalization

    Denso Gun is the first electric pickup truck in China to realize V2V and V2L, which can support vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-vehicle 220V discharge, support multi-scene electricity demand, and fully meet the customized needs of industry customers.

    At the same time, Denso Gun is the first electric pickup truck equipped with chiller integrated liquid-cooled battery in China, which has strong temperature adaptability and faster dynamic response to rapid acceleration/deceleration. This model is also the first electric pickup truck equipped with ACC, traffic sign recognition, front collision warning, 360 look around, car networking, cloud FOTA and other intelligent configurations in China, bringing users the ultimate driving experience.

    "pretend" love and wild black bullets shocked

    At this auto show, the black bullet modified from the off-road pickup truck of the Great Wall Gun made a shocking appearance, with a more tough and powerful shape and black orange color matching, showing the domineering spirit of giving up who I am.   

Auto channel [information] brand English name POER released the Great Wall cannon to open the advanced road of globalization

    In appearance, the black bomb model changed the front and rear competitive bars, and adopted the middle net modeling and special side treads for rock climbing, and at the same time added accessories such as spotlights, rear winches, and bilateral double exhaust to make off-road more leisurely.   

Auto channel [information] brand English name POER released the Great Wall cannon to open the advanced road of globalization

    In addition, the black bomb uses professional adjustable damping shock absorbers and Toyo Dragon Claw all-terrain off-road tires, and raises the chassis by 80mm and widens it by 102mm, which is not afraid of all kinds of difficult road conditions and makes off-road more pure.   

Auto channel [information] brand English name POER released the Great Wall cannon to open the advanced road of globalization

    "loading" poems and distant wild guns accompany you through a long distance.

    The wild guns modified the tires, rims and gantry. At the same time, the configuration of three spare tires and portable portable fuel tanks made the cruising range longer and met the needs of users for long-distance crossing. The added roof rack and spotlights are more convenient for the storage of crossing items and the travel at night, providing a safer guarantee.   

Auto channel [information] brand English name POER released the Great Wall cannon to open the advanced road of globalization

    In addition, the trunk can be used to place and fix all kinds of outdoor equipment, so as to reduce the collision of the items carried and avoid worries for long-distance driving.   

Auto channel [information] brand English name POER released the Great Wall cannon to open the advanced road of globalization

    "pretend" to struggle and enjoy the whole scene experience in life

    The traveling gun can be described as a pickup truck RV. While retaining most functions of the RV, it makes full use of the body space to ensure the simplicity of the vehicle shape, portability and good passability, and meets the needs of users to camp, eat outdoors, live outdoors and play outdoors anytime and anywhere.   

Auto channel [information] brand English name POER released the Great Wall cannon to open the advanced road of globalization

    This model is equipped with sufficient storage space, which can store the materials needed for camping; The kitchen space adopts soft mosaic structure to prevent abnormal sound and damage to articles caused by bumps in the driving process of vehicles; The carriage is equipped with a side curtain, a kitchen range, a washbasin, a refrigerator and a shower nozzle; The back side is equipped with a bracket for oil drums and gas tanks, a spare tire rack and a curtain for bathing, which can meet all kinds of life needs during travel.

Auto channel [information] brand English name POER released the Great Wall cannon to open the advanced road of globalization

    Globalization under "Installation" from China Gun to Global Gun

    At this auto show, the Great Wall Gun brand officially released the English name POER, which stands for POWER, PEAK and PERFECT, and is committed to creating intimate playmates for users all over the world, demonstrating the determination of the Great Wall Gun Sword to refer to the top three pickup truck brands in the world. The Great Wall Gun will first enter Australia, the Middle East, South America, South Africa and other markets, and then be sold globally.   

Auto channel [information] brand English name POER released the Great Wall cannon to open the advanced road of globalization

    Since its birth, the Great Wall Gun has become an instant hit. Up to now, the cumulative sales volume has reached nearly 100,000 units, and the sales volume has exceeded 10,000 units for four consecutive months, and it continues to be the champion of the pickup truck market. Great Wall Gun is leading China pickup truck brand to the world with strong potential, and competing with world brands.   

Auto channel [information] brand English name POER released the Great Wall cannon to open the advanced road of globalization

    "Install" together to release the big pickup co-creation plan.

    It is worth mentioning that Great Wall pickup truck officially released the "Big Pickup Co-creation Plan" at this auto show, and launched the recruitment activity of "Big Pickup Co-creation Officer", inviting the owners and fans of Great Wall pickup truck to participate in product co-creation, marketing co-creation, IP co-creation and even peripheral co-creation. Whether it is styling design, color design, configuration performance, or marketing and service creation, users can participate in it, and it is up to you to truly make your pickup truck.

Auto channel [information] brand English name POER released the Great Wall cannon to open the advanced road of globalization

    In addition, Great Wall Gun will officially announce the name of the Che Youhui, and join hands with the owners to join the Alashan Heroes’ Club held on October 1st. Together with the riders, brush the pot and wash the slope in the desert yellow sand, and experience the ultimate fun of crossing.

Auto channel [information] brand English name POER released the Great Wall cannon to open the advanced road of globalization

    At this auto show, Denso guns, black guns, wild guns and brigade guns continue to enrich the lineup of Great Wall guns in the formation of "three guns and one bomb", bringing more choices and constantly leading the life of pickup trucks in the whole scene, creating amazing experiences for users around the world. This will further lay a solid foundation for the Great Wall Gun to enter the world. In the future, on the basis that domestic and export sales are the first in 22 years and global users have accumulated over 1.8 million, the Great Wall pickup truck will accelerate the globalization process in an all-round way with the standards of global R&D, global manufacturing and global sharing, and compete with international mainstream pickup truck brands on the same stage to make pickup trucks popular. (Photo courtesy of the Great Wall pickup)