Huawei has become a big brother with goods! Q: M broke through 5000 in May, so the sprayer shut up?

Huawei, as an enterprise, seems to be the focus. Whether in the field of mobile phones or automobiles, it can quickly become a hot topic for everyone. For example, at the end of last year, at the launch of Huawei’s flagship product in winter, the M5 was ridiculed because Yu Dazui used the description of "million-level" many times. After all, it was really incredible at that time. However, as the M5 gradually starts to release its production capacity, the sprayers may have to shut up now, because it sells really well.

Sales in May exceeded 5,000 vehicles.

According to the sales performance in the past three months, the M5 in the world has shown a steady and rising situation. In the first March, the sales volume of the M5 in Wenjie reached 3,045 units, ranking fifth in the list of over 200,000 high-end new energy SUVs. In April, M5 rose two places to the third place, and sold 3,245 units in that month. Although this figure did not rise too much, due to the outbreak of epidemics in various places in April, the market performance of M5 was already very good.

Therefore, with the improvement of the epidemic situation in May, the sales volume of M5 in Wenjie has also been significantly improved. According to the latest data of the Federation of Riders, the M5 sold 5,033 new cars in May and 13,199 new cars this year. According to this trend, it should be very possible to sell 40,000-50,000 new cars this year.

Why did the M5 curse more and more?

I have to admit that when the SUV M5 was first launched, it was really questioned. Although Huawei had cooperated with some car companies to produce models before, the initial "bringing goods" effect was also good, but later the sales performance was not as good as expected for various reasons.

Compared with the previously launched Huawei Smart Choice SF5 and Extreme Fox Alpha S Huawei HI Edition, the M5 is still somewhat different in the end. It can be seen that Huawei attaches importance to it when it is unveiled at Huawei’s flagship product launch conference in winter. Of course, let’s start from the car M5 itself. Many of its technologies are provided by Huawei, such as scientific and technological systems, radar cameras, stereos, motors, etc. Even the sales work is controlled by Huawei, except that "Huawei makes cars" is engraved on the forehead. Isn’t this more attractive than previous cars?

Moreover, the product strength of the M5 is really not bad, especially the new HarmonyOS smart cockpit, which is carried for the first time, shows a very outstanding intelligent car system, which highly integrates intelligence with cars, which is also one of the biggest highlights of this car. As for the power, the M5, like Li ONE, adopts extended-range hybrid, which consists of a 1.5T engine and two front/rear motors, of which the maximum power of the 1.5T engine is 125 horsepower, and the fastest acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h takes only 4.4 seconds. In the endurance part, the comprehensive cruising range will exceed 1000km. As for fuel consumption, the fuel consumption is 0.8L/100km under WLTC working condition. In terms of parameters, it is absolutely invincible and can almost surpass most pure electric vehicles in the market.

It can be said that the M5 can continue to climb in the market, and Huawei has played a role in raising popularity, but the strength of this car itself is equally important.

It is worth mentioning that after the M5 was recognized, the larger M7 was also exposed recently. Its length and height reached 5020/1945/1775mm, and its wheelbase was 2820 mm. It adopted a 6-seat layout of 2+2+2 to locate the medium-sized SUV. Although there is not much news about M7, Huawei seems to have been on the right track step by step. After all, there are not many brands that can sell 5,000 vehicles a month in the new energy vehicle market above 200,000, and even Volkswagen and Toyota have not made achievements. Huawei’s future seems very bright.

Xiaobian language

There is no doubt that new energy vehicles are the outlet of the future automobile industry, and both traditional car companies and new car-making forces are constantly increasing their development in this field. New energy vehicles, like smart phones, may change people’s lifestyles to a great extent. Who will change the pattern of smart cars next? Huawei or others are possible.

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